Thanks so much to Jami Denise for inviting me to join this blog hop. Make sure you check out her latest book See Jane Play. It's amazing!
You can check out her blog here:-
1) What am I working on?

I'm currently working on Hunger, book 2 in The Seductors Series.
This is the continuation of Jade and Oliver's story.
In Desire, book 1 will learnt that Jade works for a secret organisation called The Seductors. She gains her steals through seduction and sex.
Jade is hired to steal some important blue prints from Oliver for her client. She didn't plan on falling for him, though. He makes her feel things she never thought could be possible.
The last pages of Desire are left in a way that could be seen as the end or a cliffhanger.
Hunger is about Jade trying to protect her heart when she is suddenly thrown back into Oliver's world. It would seem her mission is far from over. (That's all the teaser you're getting. Hunger is due for release June 6th 2014. I'm keeping the rest under wraps for now. Sorry.)
2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I write erotica that has a plot. I don't write sex for the sake of sex, it forms part of the story. It helps to understand my characters more, and I've been told I write steamy yet classy sex, so I think I'm getting my message across.
3) Why do I write what I do?
I've always wanted to write from a young age. I started off writing pure romance, and I still do that under a different pen name. I love the freedom I have with B.L.Wilde. I can write whatever I want, and explore situations you can't get in other genres.
4) How does my writing process work?
It's pretty chaotic, I don't think my process has ever been the same for any book I've written. Once I've got the story worked out in my head (Sometimes this can take months, if I have more than one story that I'm working on.) I go to google docs. I share all my words with my editor, Jo Mathews, first. We talk out plots, and she guides me as I write. Often letting me ramble on about where I think I'll take the story, but I never actually go in that direction.
I've been known to reach 6 drafts of a manuscript, but I always know when the story is ready. I just keep going until it feels right
Once the book is complete, we start the editing process. I have two pre readers who give me feedback.
If I feel another rewrite is needed, I do that before doing the final read thru. Then we get it ready for publishing.
Wow, I make it sound so organized. It's anything but that. LOL.
I wouldn't change being an author for the world, though.
Check out these amazing ladies who will be doing the blog hop next week!
Jo Matthews
I'm an author/editor who loves pretty much all books. Unexpected Journey is my first published story, but I have written online for a few years. I also do a bit of cover design on occasion.
Jeanne McDonald
Jeanne McDonald began telling stories at the ripe young age of five, when her mother considered the truth to be a lie thanks to her extensive embellishment to the retelling of an event. She wrote her first short story when she was twelve years old, and at the age of sixteen she tried her hand at poetry. She reconnected with her love for writing in 2010 thanks to the encouragement of a dear friend.
Her passions include a "mild" Starbucks addiction, music, quotes, movies, and romance. When she is not spending time with her family, she can be found reading, writing, chatting with her friends or diligently working toward her bachelors degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology. A proud Texan, she currently resides in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with her family.
Jude Ouvrard
Jude was born and raised in a small village named Lacolle. She now lives in Montreal, Canada. She is the proud mother of a beautiful four year old son, and has spent the last twelve years with her partner, Cedric.
French is her native language, but she prefers to write in her second language, English.
Besides working full time and being a mother, Jude has a passion for books, both reading and writing them.
Her first novella is coming out at the end of July. It will be part of a beach reads called Heat Wave.
You can check out her blog here:-
1) What am I working on?

I'm currently working on Hunger, book 2 in The Seductors Series.
This is the continuation of Jade and Oliver's story.
In Desire, book 1 will learnt that Jade works for a secret organisation called The Seductors. She gains her steals through seduction and sex.
Jade is hired to steal some important blue prints from Oliver for her client. She didn't plan on falling for him, though. He makes her feel things she never thought could be possible.
The last pages of Desire are left in a way that could be seen as the end or a cliffhanger.
Hunger is about Jade trying to protect her heart when she is suddenly thrown back into Oliver's world. It would seem her mission is far from over. (That's all the teaser you're getting. Hunger is due for release June 6th 2014. I'm keeping the rest under wraps for now. Sorry.)
2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I write erotica that has a plot. I don't write sex for the sake of sex, it forms part of the story. It helps to understand my characters more, and I've been told I write steamy yet classy sex, so I think I'm getting my message across.
3) Why do I write what I do?
I've always wanted to write from a young age. I started off writing pure romance, and I still do that under a different pen name. I love the freedom I have with B.L.Wilde. I can write whatever I want, and explore situations you can't get in other genres.
4) How does my writing process work?
It's pretty chaotic, I don't think my process has ever been the same for any book I've written. Once I've got the story worked out in my head (Sometimes this can take months, if I have more than one story that I'm working on.) I go to google docs. I share all my words with my editor, Jo Mathews, first. We talk out plots, and she guides me as I write. Often letting me ramble on about where I think I'll take the story, but I never actually go in that direction.
I've been known to reach 6 drafts of a manuscript, but I always know when the story is ready. I just keep going until it feels right
Once the book is complete, we start the editing process. I have two pre readers who give me feedback.
If I feel another rewrite is needed, I do that before doing the final read thru. Then we get it ready for publishing.
Wow, I make it sound so organized. It's anything but that. LOL.
I wouldn't change being an author for the world, though.
Check out these amazing ladies who will be doing the blog hop next week!
Jo Matthews
I'm an author/editor who loves pretty much all books. Unexpected Journey is my first published story, but I have written online for a few years. I also do a bit of cover design on occasion.
Jeanne McDonald
Jeanne McDonald began telling stories at the ripe young age of five, when her mother considered the truth to be a lie thanks to her extensive embellishment to the retelling of an event. She wrote her first short story when she was twelve years old, and at the age of sixteen she tried her hand at poetry. She reconnected with her love for writing in 2010 thanks to the encouragement of a dear friend.
Her passions include a "mild" Starbucks addiction, music, quotes, movies, and romance. When she is not spending time with her family, she can be found reading, writing, chatting with her friends or diligently working toward her bachelors degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology. A proud Texan, she currently resides in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with her family.
Jude Ouvrard
Jude was born and raised in a small village named Lacolle. She now lives in Montreal, Canada. She is the proud mother of a beautiful four year old son, and has spent the last twelve years with her partner, Cedric.
French is her native language, but she prefers to write in her second language, English.
Besides working full time and being a mother, Jude has a passion for books, both reading and writing them.
Her first novella is coming out at the end of July. It will be part of a beach reads called Heat Wave.
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