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Forbidden Awakenings
Book One in the Awakenings Series 

By Lisa Bilbrey



Elle Reid and Sadie Williams are best friends, turned lovers. Always considering themselves to be friends with benefits, they opt to let loose and celebrate after landing a high-profile project with the best architecture firm in San Francisco.

Callum Davis and Derek Flores have been the best friends since they met freshman year. While they've admitted their attraction to each other, neither have the courage to act on their feelings, both fearful of losing their friendship. At least, not until they meet Elle and Sadie at Club Venom.

Elle, Sadie, Callum, and Derek embark on a life-changing journey that defies what society tells them is normal. But when you find yourselves in love with multiple partners, how do you choose? And what will happen when their families find out about their unconventional relationship? Is their forbidden awakening worth unraveling the secrets they've been keeping?


“And when you moved to L.A., did you find what you needed there?”
Nodding, he said, “A part of it. I was terrified to leave home, but when I met Callum, got to know him, I found someone I knew I could count on. Callum’s my best friend, Elle. I’ve cared about him for a long time.”
“Are you in love him?” Elle questioned. Derek opened his mouth to reply, but clamped his lips together before he could utter a sound. “You are, aren’t you? You’re in love with him.”
“I don’t know,” he admitted, sliding his hand onto her hip. “I don’t know what I feel right now. He’s everything I never knew he could be. In my family, men aren’t supposed to love each other like this, Elle. They’re not supposed to want to kiss them, to make love to them, but I do want to kiss Callum and make love to him. I just . . . I just want him.”
“Hey, you don’t have to explain that to me,” she groused. “My parents would disown me if they knew anything about you, Callum, and Sadie. I learned a long time ago not to expect their approval, Derek. And not just because of my attraction to Sadie, either. They made it clear that I wasn’t the daughter they wanted me to be, but I’m okay with that because I’m happy with who I am. I have Sadie, and you and Callum now. My sister and her fiancĂ© love me, support me, and I’m all right, ya know?”
“You know I care about you, Elle, don’t you?” His tone was almost pleading. “You and Sadie — you’re not just a causal fuck for me or Callum. It’s important that you know that you’re both important to us.”
“Of course I do,” she murmured, trying to keep her emotions from betraying her. “I care about you, too, Derek. So much that it scares me.”
“What scares you?” he whispered.
Elle’s eyes closed, and she took a ragged breath. “I don’t want to lose you. The thought of not having you in my life makes my heart ache.”
“Look at me,” he ordered and her eyes opened in a heartbeat. “We are not leaving you, at least not unless you want us to. Do you understand that? Callum and I will never pressure you to give us more than you feel comfortable with.”
All Elle could do as tears filled her eyes was nod. The warm drops sprinkled against her cheeks.
“Don’t cry, beautiful,” he cooed, leaning forward and brushing his lips across hers.
“Then don’t be so fucking sweet,” she whimpered, smiling through the cascade of tears. “I trust you, Derek. You, Callum, and Sadie — you’re everything I never thought I deserved.”
With a kick of his foot, Derek sent their dishes crashing to the floor before closing the small space between bodies and reminding Elle how much he wanted her.

Obsessive, compulsive, slightly crazed, but enough about her personality. First and foremost, Lisa Bilbrey is a mom to three and a wife to one. She loves to write, and spends the majority of everyday writing. It's who she is, and what she's meant to be doing. Words are her life, the air she breathes, and the nutrients of her soul. Finding a love in the written word, Lisa Bilbrey started writing as a way to express herself and let her voice be heard. From the first word she wrote, she'd found her heart and soul.

Always willing to learn, she's spends much of her time trying to improve as a storyteller.

Guest Post

If you could invent any gadget to help you as an author what would it be?

That's hard because there is so much that helps me as an author. Music, coffee, sometimes wine, but I think if I could invent anything, it would be a time machine. As a lot of authors, I work, I have children, I have responsibilities. And of course, they come first, but I'd love to be able to just pause time and be able to write without worry about how late it is, or who is cooking dinner. So, yeah, I think I'd invent a time machine.... Or maybe, a coffee IV. 

Love that idea Lisa. I could do with one of those too. LOL

Make sure you check out Lisa's latest release. I know I will be. 


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