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Book Review - Lost Dreams by Jude Ouvard

Book: Lost Dreams
Author: Jude Ouvrard
Genre: Military Contemporary Romance

When Carter is killed in combat, he left behind his heartbroken wife, Avery and his shattered best friend Remy. Naturally these two, wounded souls gravitate together, irresistibly drawn by the loss of the one they both loved, as well as their deep friendship with each other. But when that friendship starts to turn into something more, new problems arise. Will Avery be able to move on after losing the love of her life?
Will Remy be able to fill the void left by the loss if his best friend? Or will this new chance at love cost them all they have left?
Jude lives in Montreal, Canada. She is the proud mother of a five year old son, and has spent the last twelve years with her partner, Cedric.
French is her native language, but she prefers to write in her second language, English.
Besides working full time in a law firm and being a mother, Jude has a passion for books, both reading and writing them.
She is currently working on Ophelia.

She got into her seat and drove us to I-didn’t-know-where-yet. The music was playing softly in the car. I was having difficulty with noises, they were making me irritable but the melody was nice so I was okay. We were getting closer to Avery’s house. At least I hoped we were going to her house, because I was frightened to be alone. I needed her, in more than one way. When she turned to the right, I knew we were going to her place because my house was over on the left. I bit the inside of my cheeks to subdue a smile. A few seconds later, Avery parked the car in her driveway. She undid my safety belt, then hers. She got out of the car to help me out, then grabbed my bag and arm-in-arm we walked to her door.
”Calm down, girl. I’m not dying, I’m okay. I can feel your body trembling.”
”I can’t calm down, Remy.” She unlocked the door and pushed it open. ”I lost Carter, okay? He’s gone,” she cried. ”And I came this close,” she showed me a tiny gap between her fingers, ”this close, to losing you too, and that tore me apart.” She put my bag on the table. ”When Megan told me what happened, I passed out, because I couldn’t believe I was going to have to go through this again. We waited twenty-four hours before we finally got the news that you were alive.”
I felt terrible. ”I’m sorry, girl, I’m so sorry.” I pulled her towards me and wrapped my arm around her. She cried and she sobbed against my t-shirt. Ave was in a terrible mess. ”I promised you I would come back, and I did.” I kissed her hair. ”I’m so sorry I had to come back in such a dramatic way.”
”You’re alive, Remy.” She almost never called me by my first name. ”It’s all that matters.”
”I know, Avery.”
We were silent for a moment, her sobs calming down and she regained control of herself. It broke my heart to see her like this, she’d seemed so strong at the hospital and I was just realizing it was a facade. In that instant, I knew we both needed rest and we both had a lot on our minds.
”I think I need to lay down, Ave, I’m getting a little dizzy. I’ll go to my room.” She squeezed me with all of her strength, one last time, before releasing me.
I got to the guest room. There was a bouquet of daisies on the night table. She’d changed the sheets and comforter on the bed for a navy blue one. I made it to the bed just in time, my vision had gone blurry. I sat on the corner of the bed and closed my eyes. The fact that she wanted me to stay here was great, but damn, this was fucked up. She still continued to ignore everything I’d said to her. It made me anxious and the best thing I could do was lie down and chill out. Being around her was even harder now. I put my arm over my eyes, to hide away from the light in the room. Turning it off required too much physical effort for now.
”Remy, are you okay?” Her voice was low.
”Can you turn the light off, please?”
She did and then removed my shoes. I shifted up on the bed and she placed my legs under the comforter. ”Do you feel any pain?”
”It’s not too bad, I can manage.” My head hurt constantly, no matter what I did. In my shoulder, the bullet had torn a muscle and damaged the bone severely. They had to screw the bone together in three different places. It would never be as strong as it used to be, but at least I was alive.
”Okay…” She stayed in the room looking at me. It had me confused, did she want to talk or something?
”Is everything OK, Ave?” I needed to know.
She nodded. ”It’s just good to have you here. I missed you.”
Okay, she was giving signs she wanted to talk, but I thought maybe she wasn’t ready just yet.
”I missed you too, girl.” I smiled.
She returned my smile with one of her own, she seemed suddenly shy and her cheeks flushed. ”I thought about what you said to me a lot. It scared me at first but then, I felt like I already knew about it. Things cleared up in my mind. How you were always looking after me, always making sure I was okay. I should have known, but I only had eyes for Carter. I still love and miss him every single day.” She took a deep breath and rubbed her eyes. ”But… I felt things were different prior to your deployment and I understand now. I didn’t hate it, I liked it. Being closer to you makes me feel better. I need it, but I can’t promise you more than that.”
”What are you saying, exactly, Avery?” I could feel a wave of tingles rush through my body. What did she mean? It was so out of character for her to be so shy.
”I’m saying I still love Carter, I probably always will, but I also like you and need to be around you. I can’t promise you anything, but we could try and see if it would work out.”
”I’m not a consolation prize, Avery.”


My emotions were all over the place when reading this book. Jude did an amazing job in setting the tone and pulling the reader right inside the story . I’ve never really been one for reading books with a Solider element, only because I’m a wuss when it comes to the emotion in them.  I’m glad I snapped up the chance to read this little gem, though.  

It centers around three close friends, Avery, Carter and Remy. Carter and Avery are very much in love and are about to get married. They met in the army, but Avery has since left. Carter has to go back on tour with  Remy, shortly after the wedding.

The heart break begins when Carter is killed in action. When Remy returns he and Avery lean on each other to try and heal from the loss of Carter.

What follows is an emotional and beautiful love story. Remy has always loved Avery from the moment he met her, but knew Carter had been the one that captured her heart. Now, as they lean on each other, feelings begin to develop.

This book is told in a few different point of views, and I loved that.  You really get inside off the characters minds, and it only added to the emotion of this story.

Now, you know I’m not one for giving everything away, but if you like your stories emotional and beautifully told, grab a copy of Lost Dreams today. You won’t regret it.

Rating; 4 Stars


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