In celebration of McKenzie Evans' birthday: The Truth in Lies is on sale from March 11-13, 2014 for only $0.99 on Amazon

To McKenzie, Drew became her salvation. He had a way of understanding her when no one else could. The closer they became, the more McKenzie found herself falling in love with Drew. He was everything she ever dreamed of in a man, and for the first time in her life, she felt truly alive. There was only one problem. Drew was dating Olivia.
With the help of fate and circumstance, Drew and McKenzie journey down a path of unrequited love and denied feelings. In the end, they must make a choice between their hearts or their consciences. In this one decision they discover that there’s always a glimmer of truth to a lie, that there’s a fine line between love and friendship, and sometimes you have to risk everything to gain everything.
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About the Author
Her passions include a "mild" Starbucks addiction, music, reading, movies and romance. When she is not spending time with her family, she can be found writing, chatting with her friends or diligently working toward her bachelor’s degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology.
A proud Texan, she currently resides in the Dallas/Fort Worth area with her family.
Contact Information
As part of McKenzie's birthday blitz, I got the chance to interview the charming and lovely Drew Wise.
Interview with Drew Wise from The Truth in Lies
by Jeanne McDonald
Firstly, I’d like to thank you for taking time out to speak to me today, Drew.
The pleasure is all mine. Who am I do deny the audience of such a beautiful lady?
You must be a very busy man in your line of work?
For the most part I stay pretty busy. I’m on a bit of a winning streak right now, so that definitely keeps me busy.
What do you to relax when you’re not working?
I play with my toys and I jerk off. I’m kidding. Or am I?
Most nights I spend my free time reading. I actually like to read a lot. Books are a great way to lose time and simply relax. I’m also stay very active. I like to run and when the weather and snowbirds permit, I enjoy riding my motorcycle.
Now don’t tell anyone this, but I have a little secret hobby. I collect Star Wars memorabilia. When I’m not working, reading, or whatever the hell I do, you can find me glue to my computer or phone monitoring eBay. It’s addicting, and I find some rare gems on there.
After reading The Truth in Lies, I could sense that you hide behind your macho/cocky ego. Am I right, and if so, why do you do it?
Me, macho? Cocky? I have no idea where you might come up with such allegations.
All joking aside, you’re right. It’s easier for me to hide be a smart ass than to own up to how I really feel about things. I have a bad habit of keeping people at arms length. I tend to close myself off to others. At least until I’m certain I can trust you.
I live in a world of cheating, lying, and deception. Not only in my professional life, but I’ve had to endure it in my personal life as well. I learned the hard way that if given the chance, people will crush you. All it takes is giving your heart to the wrong person. That kind of power can and will destroy.
And believe me when I say, it’s extremely hard to recover from that.
And believe me when I say, it’s extremely hard to recover from that.
Can I add that I find a guy who has cats incredibly sexy? (I have a fur baby myself. I love her to pieces.) What do you love about cats? Is it your working hours that made you choose them over a dog?
Oh really? You find a guy owning a cat sexy?
Well, I find a woman owning a cat incredibly sexy.
I love cats because they are independent, fiercely loyal, and intelligent. Oh, wait. I’m all those things to.
Cats are not needy. They have a special sense of when I’m down and need to cuddle. Yes, I’m a guy who likes cuddling. And really, what guy doesn’t like having a pussy around all the time?
Cats don’t drool all over the floors, or potty all over them for that fact. They don’t bark because someone farted. Cats are simply better than dogs.
Now, I want to move onto a more sensitive subject, McKenzie. Is that okay with you?
Oh, Mickie. Sweet, sexy Mickie. Of course. Fire away.
Was it difficult fighting your feelings for her while you were dating her best friend?
It was very difficult.
That first morning on the beach was like magic. I’d never seen anything so beautiful and yet so lost in all my life. It was as if lightning struck me in the chest. I’d never felt anything like that before; not even with...yeah, forget I said anything.
Anyway, I wanted to turn around and go back to her. The urge to ask for her name was almost overwhelming, but something inside held me back. Of course, I discovered what it was later that night when I was reacquainted with her at Olivia’s condo. Fate was drawing me to her. I so hope I don’t lose my man card for believing in fate.
Olivia and I were only dating casually. I was with her only to appease my brother who seemed to think I’d traded the bottle for sex. Who was I to argue? But from the beginning, I knew Olivia wasn’t the one for me. I only stayed with her because it allowed me to get closer to Mickie. Mickie needed a friend, and I wanted to be whatever she needed.
Was it an instant attraction? It felt that way to me.
It certainly was on my part. A man would have to be senile not to see how beautiful she is. I’m not only talking about outer beauty, which she’s definitely that. But McKenzie has a presence about her. She enters a room and time seems to stand still for all who come in contact with her. She’s smart, funny and loyal. She gets my sense of humor, and no one ever gets my twisted sense of humor. With McKenzie, I feel like a whole person again. That’s something I haven’t felt in a long, long time.
How did it make you feel, knowing that she never took the necklace off that you bought her for her birthday? (Stunning necklace by the way. Great choice.)
Thank you. I must say I do have great taste.
As for her always wearing the necklace, I’d say it made me feel like a million bucks. It showed me that she felt something for me’ that I wasn’t the only one struggling with my feelings.
Where do you see the two of you now? It isn’t going to be easy for either of you. Do you think McKenzie will be able to keep her distance? Can you?
That’s really a hard question to answer. Or set of questions, really. Right now, I see us in a difficult position. She left so abruptly, that I really didn’t have a chance to...well, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the fact that I won’t give up on her. Deep down I have faith that we will find a way to be with each other.
As for keeping her distance, she might try, but I’m persistent. Even if she could keep her distance, I sure as hell won’t. So it’s really a moot point. I won’t stop until I win my girl back. Even if it means going to Texas. We were meant to be together and we will be.
If you could choose any future right now, what would it be and why?
Olivia wouldn’t be pregnant. Mickie and I would be happy and free to be together. I would finally know peace. But, that’s all a pipe dream. Peace and happiness never seem to be in the cards for me.
Lastly, can you give us an update on the second book in the Truth in Lies Series, The Certainty of Deception, I’ve been told it’s in your point of view too?
I can tell you it’s coming along. Jeanne pesters the fuck out of me. Whatever possed me to agree to allowing this book be in my point of view; well, let’s just say I should be shot for it. Jeanne is a huge overthinker, and no matter what I say, she will second guess herself every time.
I will tell you that things are a little different this go around. There are skeletons in the past that Jeanne seems to think should be revealed. Since I’m her guinea pig, I have no other choice but to comply. On the plus side, you’ll get a good laugh as I try to get my girl back with the support of my brother and a very unlikely person. There are several new faces that will make an appearance in The Certainty of Deception, and some beloved people returning.
Thanks for stopping by Drew, can I call you Andy next time you’re dropping by? ;)
The pleasure has been all mine. And while you’re a very beautiful woman, Ms. Bee, that name is reserved for my stunning woman.
Until next time. Hopefully, I’ll have Mickie with me.
And finally, Jeanne has given me an exclusive teaser from The Certainty of Deception!
I can not wait for this book!!
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